The Biblical revelation shows us that each person of the Godhead has certain characteristics and operations that do not change.
The Father is eternally the Father, the Son is eternally the Son,
the Holy Spirit is eternally the Holy Spirit. The attributes of God are changeless. God is one in operation, but three in revelation and manifestation.
Biblical accounts, types and symbols consistently reveal the following about the Persons of the Godhead:
As outlined in “Foundations of Christian Doctrine” by Kevin J Conner
Characteristics of the Father
- First person in mode of operation. The First Cause, the Original, the Source, the Beginning, the Fountain-head of all wisdom. The Absolute, the I AM.
- The Foundation of our redemption John 3:16
- The Covenant Maker and Keeper, the Covenant Promiser.
- The Architect, Designer, Controller and Sustainer.
- Light, Life and Love.
- Glory, Majesty, Unapproachable Light, Holiness and Fire.
- Invisible, Spirit, Eternally the Father.
- The Begetter John 1:10-12, John 3:16
- Omnipotent, Omnipresent, Omniscient, Immutable
Characteristics of the Son.
- Second person in mode of operation, for the purpose of redemption. Not inferior, but submissive and obedient in redemption’s plan to the Father’s will, The obedient Son.
- The Eternal Word.
- The Mediator and Umpire between God and man.
- The Intercessor, the Advocate.
- The God-Man, the union of the divine nature and human nature in one person. The Word made flesh. God manifest in the flesh.
- The only Begotten Son. The fullness of the Godhead bodily.
- Redeemer, Saviour, Grace of God personified.
- The Sacrifice for Sin. The ratification of the Covenant by blood.
- The visible revelation and expression of the invisible God in human form. Hebrews 1:1-3
- Eternally the Son, one in nature, power, attributes and glory with the Father and the Holy Spirit.
Characteristics of the Holy Spirit.
- The third person in mode of operation for the purpose of redemption. Not inferior, but the servant person in the Godhead, pointing to the Father and the Son. Proceeding from the Father, through the Son. John 15:26, 16:16.
- The Inspirer, Revealer, Illuminator of the Word, the written and living Word. The Communicator, The Teacher.
- The Quickener, the Unction, the Anointing. 1 John 2:20,27
- The Sanctifying Power, the Indweller, the Presence in the Church.
- Fruit of the Spirit, Fruitfulness, Gifts of the Spirit.
- Eternally the Spirit. Invisible, one in power, nature, attributes, and glory with the Father and the Son.