In concluding the Doctrine of Sin, it will be useful to look at the various laws mentioned in Scripture. The work of the atonement is to bring man back to the obedience from which Adam fell, to bring him back in harmony with the law of God, the royal law of loving obedience.
a. The Law of Conscience
Romans 2:14-16. The moment man sinned this law began to operate. This is also called the law of the mind. Romans 7:23.
b. The Law of Works
Romans 3:27. A guilty conscience drove man to operate in the law of works in self-effort to cover himself. Conscience drives men to seek to atone for their sins before God.
c. The Law of Faith
Romans 3:27. The sacrificial victim, which provided Adam and Eve with coats of skin, necessitated an operation of the law of faith. Faith in the substitutionary death of another, to cover themselves, acceptably before God.
d. The Law of Ten Commandments
The Law of God as contained in the Ten Commandments was given to the nation of Israel. Until this time, God dealt with man under the law of conscience. The law of Moses was to give a more clear and full definition of sin. (Romans 3:20, 4:15, 5:13-14)
The Moral Law
Deuteronomy 5:6-22. The Ten Commandments express the moral law of a holy God. The first four commandments dealt with man’s relationship with God; the last six dealt with man’s relationship to man.
The Civil Law
Exodus 21-24, Deuteronomy 24-26. These laws were recorded to amplify the moral law for the ordering of daily life for God’s people.
The Ceremonial Law
Exodus 25-31, Leviticus 1-27. These laws involved the rituals of the various O.T. Feasts, the priesthood, the sacrificial system and the Tabernacle services.
The Law gives a perfect, righteous and holy standard for man. However, it could not give man the power to keep it. Hence it was used to show man his sinful state and his need for a Saviour. Gal 2:16, 3:23-24
e. The Law of Sin and Death
Romans 8:2. The law of sin entered man the moment he disobeyed God’s law. The external act was the outward evidence of an internal fall. The law of death followed as a subsequent penalty.
f. The Law of the Spirit of Life
Romans 8:2 This is the opposite to the law of sin and death. It was symbolized in the Tree of Life which man forfeited but it is restored in Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit.
g. The Law of Righteousness
Romans 8:4, 9:31. In Christ, the law of righteousness is put within man to overcome the law of sin and death. God’s intention is to make an end of sin and bring in everlasting righteousness through Christ. Daniel 9:24.
h. The Royal Law of Love
Romans 13:8-10, James 2:8-10 This is the highest law of God’s being that redemption can bring man to. The grace of God in Christ will restore man back to the law of loving obedience to the will of God. Love is the fulfilment of the law. Against love there is no law Galatians 5:23